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Key to a long life: vinegar and pickles...
Happy together
A woman who survived to be one of the oldest on our planet offered this as her recipe for longevity: vinegar. Susie Potts Gibson, who died at age 115 in 2006, put vinegar on everything, according to her granddaughter, not just on turnip greens. She also recommended eating pickles.
Her granddaughter, Nancy Paetz, told the Los Angeles Times that until Gibson was 90, she hosted bridge parties, did her own cooking, gardened and was active in her women’s church group. Gibson also went out fishing alone on her boat.
Gibson also lived so long, according to her granddaughter, because of her rule about spending time: “My grandmother put things in two pots: what she had to do and what she wanted to do. Most of the time, what she wanted to do took priority. As a result, she was happy.”

For more about Susie Potts Gibson go to: http://www.grg.org/SGibson.htm

Sweet Life notes

(Source: “American old-timer Susie P. Gibson, 115,” by Mary Rourke, Los Angeles Times, reported in The News & Observer, Monday, February 20, 2006, 7B.)
